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Send us your questions or requests.

We have more than 50 years’ experience providing top-quality assistance to talent buyers.

Proven Experience and an Excellent Reputation for getting things done!

5-Star customer service!  Learn more!


Tell us what you want or need. We are here to help.

We will provide you with answers and first-class assistance toward achieving the successful booking of top entertainment talent for your event(s).

We look forward to providing you with fast and impressive service!  We appreciate your business! Phone calls are welcomed. We simply ask that you provide us with a short, written summary of your interest, or your plans, to ensure a better understanding of how best to proceed to get the results you want. Then, telephone discussions will be much more productive.

This is guaranteed! So, let’s get started!

Which BEST describes your request? (Select A or B)

A)  I am seeking information regarding a possible booking, such as

  • Pricing and availability of an artist/group.
  • List of affordable names for my budget.
  • How do I hire/book an artist/group for a live (stage) performance?
  • How do I hire an artist to make a (non-performance) guest appearance?
  • How do I submit an offer?


B) My request pertains to something else

such as ...
  • Something unrelated to a performance (or personal appearance) booking.
  • Interview request:
    regarding podcast, book author, journalist, TV host, or other.
  • Casting:
    request for TV, film, theater stage, etc.
  • Invitation:
    for artist to attend a (non-paying) event.
  • Collaboration or Endorsement.
  • Professional concert pass:
    I am a photographer, or I am with the Press, and I want a concert pass.
  • Solicitation:
    solicitation for donation, or solicitation for artist fee discount.
  • Feedback/comments
  • Fan request:
    such as autograph, shout-out, ticket refund, passes, etc.
  • Songwriter:
    I have written a song I want to present to an artist.
  • Artist/Band:
    I am an artist and I am seeking representation.
    I am with a band and we want to join an upcoming tour.




- Chicago -

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- Tulsa -

Copyright 1997-2024 Richard De La Font Agency, Inc.. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, broadcast, use or sale of any and/or all portions of this web site is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. Images are for promotional use by Richard De La Font Agency only. Images may not be copied, modified or reused. This company acts as an entertainment consultant or broker/producer and does not claim or represent itself as the exclusive agent, representative or management of the artists listed on this site.