Information request form. Private event. Budget US$50k, or more. Please confirm the below 3 items are true.(Required) 1) This event will be in North America, outside of the U.S.
2) This is an invitation-only event. Not open to general public. (ticketed or non-ticketed).
3) Talent fee budget for one act is US$50,000 or more, plus costs.
All true?
Your Full Name:(Required)
Primary Email Address:(Required) Time Zone for this telephone number: We use this to determine appropriate time to call.
Your EVENT Information. LOCATION
Event Type Which category BEST describes your event(s)?
Your Request For Talent Information. If Music, what style/genre? Example: R&B, Jazz, Blues, Rap, Country, Folk, Pop/Rock, Alternative Rock, Reggae, Hard Rock, Latin, Reggaeton, etc....
NON-PERFORMANCE option: This means no performance, no speech, no hosting, no singing, no telling jokes, etc. It means a nonperformance personal appearance, such as being a guest. If you are only seeking a non-performance guest appearance, such as having an artist meet-and-mingle as a guest at a party or event, check here.
If you check this box, please provide information in the adjacent "Comments" section.
*** End of Section regarding a Non-performance request.
Your BUDGET RANGE Information.
COMMENTS SECTION: Questions, Requests and Comments. (Required)
What are your questions, requests or comments ?
Tell us about your event(s) or what you have in mind.
What is the occasion? Tell us about it.
What would you like the artist to do?
Anything you would like the artist to know about this? COMMENTS: Questions, requests or comments(Required)
Please confirm information is correct. Confirm these FOUR items as TRUE.(Required) 1) This event will be in or near North America, outside of the U.S.,
2) This is an invitation-only event. (ticketed or non-ticketed).
3) Talent Fee Budget figure entry is US$50,000 or more (for one artist),
4) A separate/additional budget is available to cover expenses of the artist and performance.
I CONFIRM the indicated items are true.